B’s Amazon Christmas Wishlist

I know this time of the year it’s overwhelming with everyone who has an instagram trying to push their gift guides on you. Well, this is not a gift guide 😉 this is B’s Amazon Christmas wishlist this year and I thought I would share how we use his wishlist for holidays and birthdays.

This is probably the first year where he expressed what he wanted. He is 4 years old and he is definitely understanding the concept of Christmas, Santa and getting presents. So when we asked him what he wanted he had a few things in mind then we added a few things we knew he would love and would last as long term gifts.

Let me preface by saying, I would love to be a minimalist when it comes to my kids toys. However over the last year or so I’ve realize what toys keep their attention and last through the year and what items are used and quickly forgotten. So we picked things this year that he will love and that Ramsey can play with too as she gets older (or now because they basically like all the same things!).

Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8

Check out the wishlist on my Amazon storefront if you want to shop! I’ll do one for Ramsey and Carolina shortly.

Chat soon,


R’s Amazon Christmas Wishlist


Life Lately | Meet Carolina