3 Simple Tips To Crush The Day For Your Biz

Did you wake up today with overwhelming excitement to kick ass and be productive?!

Yes, girl! Let’s tackle this day together!

Get ready & let’s do this —

  1. Show your face. Today I challenge you to show your face on stories. Tell a story. Share your plans for today. Do a mini home tour (ps I’m totally obsessed with these!)

  2. Get outside. Take your kids for a long walk. Drink your coffee on your porch. Just get outside and enjoy the fall leaves.

  3. Write down 3 wins you had in the last 5 days. Then write down 3 more you want to crush! It’s not always about accomplishing the big goals...it’s about living in the moment and celebrating the small wins bc trust me...those all add up to something big!

Ok, so we have a plan right?! Awesome! Let’s do it!

Chat again soon,


Life Lately | Meet Carolina


(Slowly) Getting Back into the Swing of Things